In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Independent Providers

Public Authority Services by Sourcewise supports consumers and independent providers of the Santa Clara County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program.

Use these quick links to find the information you are searching for.

I know an IHSS consumer who wants me to be their Independent Provider and I need to enroll and fill out timesheets

I have questions about Independent Provider health benefits

I want to put my name on the list to find caregiving work

I need to sign up for online timesheets and/or direct deposit
I need help completing my timesheets
I need to update my address or telephone number

I have questions about overtime

I want to know what services IHSS might authorize for me to do for my consumer

I need to review or update my tax forms

I want to sign up for free training classes

I want to apply for reimbursement for other classes

I want more information on what Public Authority Services does

I want to share my concerns and ideas about the IHSS program with the Advisory Board

I want to know the best way to contact someone at Public Authority Services

I want to find help with other needs, such as Meals on Wheels and other support resources

IHSS Independent Provider fAQ

I enrolled as an Independent Provider and received my approval letter, but haven’t received timesheets. What should I do?

Timesheet are completed online on the Electronic Services Portal (ESP). If you have not yet done so, create your ESP account so you can access timesheets.

Ask the care recipient you will be working for if they have designated you as their provider on the ESP or by completing the Recipient Designation of Provider form (SOC 426A) and returning it to IHSS.



I’m being paid by Santa Clara County’s IHSS program. Does that mean I am a county employee?

No. IHSS Independent Providers work for IHSS care recipients. Providers are considered self-employed independent contractors.

How can I reach my social worker if I have questions or need to make a request for more hours or services for the recipient I work for?

IHSS Independent Providers are not linked to a social worker. The consumer has a social worker assigned to their case and that social worker decides which services the consumer needs after doing an assessment and in-home visit.

If the consumer’s condition or needs have changed, they (or their authorized representative) can contact their social worker directly to ask for a re-assessment.