Consumers Requesting Lists
The Public Authority Services Registry helps consumers of In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) in Santa Clara County locate and hire Independent Providers
News & Notices

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Began July 1, 2023
IHSS/WPCS Independent Providers who do not live with their consumer are required to check in and out for their shifts. EVV training webinars are available from CDSS.
Backup provider system can be a safety net for qualifying IHSS consumers
The On-Call Registry may be able to fill temporary, short-term care needs. See the On-Call Registry section for details
Consumers can hire IHSS Independent Providers through the ESP
Ready to add an provider to your case so they can begin completing timesheets for working for you? You can hire new providers through your account on the e-timesheet Electronic Services Portal
How the Registry works
Request a Registry List
Consumers who have received the Notice of Action authorizing them to receive specific caregiving hours and services, and are looking for IHSS Independent Providers to hire, can call the Registry to request a list. The process is simple!
Providers on the Registry are pre-screened, including a background check, having their references checked, passing an interview with PA staff, and completing an orientation about Registry expectations and policies.

Step 1: Call the Registry
Consumers may need to leave a message containing their name, telephone number, and IHSS consumer ID (case number).
Calls will be returned within 24 hours or the next business day. Be sure your voicemail is set up and not full in case a Registry Specialist needs to leave a message for you.
Read the rest of the steps and then call the Registry at (408) 350-3251
Step 2: Complete an Intake With a Registry Specialist
Before an individualized list of Independent Providers can be created, Registry Specialists need to learn about the consumer’s preferences, authorized services, and the hours that need to be worked.
This allows Registry Specialists to build a list of providers who most closely match the needs of the individual consumer.
Step 3: Contact and Interview the Independent Providers on Your List
Use the list sent to you by the Registry to contact the independent providers being referred to you.
Call the providers to introduce yourself and request a telephone interview to screen the provider. If needed, leave a voicemail introducing yourself, including your name, telephone number, and reason for your call, and ask them to call you back.
Give providers at least 24 hours to return your telephone call. Be sure your voicemail is set up and can accept new messages in case the provider needs to leave you a voicemail.
If the telephone interview goes well, request they meet with you for an in-person interview.
Step 4: Choose an Independent Provider and Hire Them
When you decide which independent provider will be the best fit for you, contact them and offer them the job. If one provider is not able to work all the hours or perform all the services you need, you can hire a second provider to do so.
If the provider(s) accepts the job, confirm the work schedule you are asking for and agree on a start date and time.
For a successful start, on their first day working with you:
1. Complete an Expectations Agreement
2. Orient them to their work environment and your preferences for how and when they will complete the authorized tasks
3. Complete the hiring process through the e-timesheet Electronic Services Portal (ESP) or by filling out, signing, and mailing the form SOC426A
Ready to get started? Call the Registry at (408) 350-3251

Backup Provider System
The On-Call Registry (OCR) is a safety net for qualified IHSS consumers in Santa Clara County.
When a consumer’s independent provider is unexpectedly unable to work because of illness or personal emergency, and no other provider, family member, or resource can assist, the OCR may be able to help.
The OCR program may be able to temporarily assign a pre-screened IHSS Independent Provider to assist with bathing, personal hygiene, and other health and safety related authorized services. The OCR cannot assist with domestic services—such as cleaning or laundry—or transportation, unless the need is related to personal care and safety.

Learn more and request OCR assistance by calling (408) 590-0834, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
If you leave a voicemail, include your name and telephone number so your call can be returned.
Registry List & Provider Hiring FAQ
Why are there so few names on the list I received?
The lists are specific for each consumer’s situation and, at times, there may not be a large number of Independent Providers who match your needs and preferences.
Lists are built using several filters, including: desired work schedule, county area, authorized tasks needed, gender preferences, home environment, availability to work for more consumers, and others.
If a consumer is struggling to find a provider they want to hire, it can be helpful to adjust the work schedule or to hire more than one provider to meet all your needs.
What should I do if none of the Independent Providers on my list can work or aren’t a good fit for me?
Consumers can call the Registry to request a new list after they have contacted all providers on their list and have given the providers at least 24 hours to call them back.
If a provider from the list tells you they can’t work for you, write down the reason why and let a Registry Specialist know so the provider’s profile can be adjusted, and their name only referred to consumers that match them.
Why might some providers from the list I received say they aren’t available to work for me?
Independent Providers on the Registry may match several consumers and the provider’s name may be going on several lists. It is possible a provider has accepted a job after their name was included on a list for you.
All Registry providers are required to update their availability every month, or they are removed from the Registry. If a provider tells you they aren’t available, ask them why and let a Registry Specialist know so we can contact them.
Remember, all IHSS Independent Providers can decide who they will work for and have the right to refuse a position with you if they choose. However, if we notice a pattern with the provider, we will investigate and make sure they are still a good fit for the Registry.
Can I hire more than one Independent Provider to work for me?
Consumers can have as many providers as they would like, there are no restrictions.
In fact, we encourage consumers to have more than one provider working for them so the providers can cover shifts for each other in case of a personal emergency.
However, consumers must stay within their Monthly Authorized Hours when creating a work schedule with their providers.
What should I do If I’m not happy with the job my provider is doing, or we aren’t getting along?
Communication is very important in any relationship, including the one between employer and employee. As the employer of the provider, it is best for the consumer to speak respectfully with the provider about their concerns and give them a chance to correct the issue.
If the situation does not get better, ask for assistance by speaking with a Registry Specialist by calling (408) 350-3251.
Can Independent Providers help with needed organizational tasks, like shifting furniture or relocating power cables?
IHSS providers can only perform services authorized by IHSS for the IHSS consumer, which do not include organizational tasks. Providers are also not allowed to perform services for people in the household other than the IHSS consumer.
Other tasks IHSS will not pay a provider to perform include, but aren’t limited to:
- Moving furniture
- Reading mail to the consumer or helping pay bills
- Caring for a consumer’s pets
- Gardening
- Repairing items or structures
- Socializing, such as watching television or reading a book to you
- Taking you to church or social outings
If you have questions about your authorized services, contact your IHSS social worker.
Am I required to pay for my Independent Provider’s gas for performing my authorized services outside my home, such as grocery shopping or taking me to medical appointments?
IHSS Independent Providers are paid hourly for performing those authorized tasks. There is no need to reimburse them for gas, nor is it allowed by IHSS.
IHSS does not pay for the cost of gas or other transportation costs.
What can I do if my Independent Provider is unexpectedly unable to come to work?
It is recommended that consumers have more than one provider working for them so an alternative or backup provider may be able to work the shift.
If no one can work the shift, you may qualify for the On-Call Registry backup program. Learn about eligibility criteria in the On-Call Registry section of this webpage.