In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Independent Providers
News & Notices
Spring 2025 semester registration starts on January 10, 2024, at 6 a.m.
The spring class catalogs, which include information on when registration will begin, are currently being mailed to all active Santa Clara County providers. Spring 2025 classes will be held between February and May.
View the class information to learn more about these free training classes available only to Santa Clara County IHSS Independent Providers.
To attend classes, pre-registration and confirmation are required. Students must follow all Student Guidelines.
The Spring 2025 catalog is now available online. Use the Online Registration Portal to view your training class history and register for classes.
The Incentive amount for completing classes is $35
Beginning September 2023, the incentive amount received by Santa Clara County Independent Providers who complete a Public Authority Services training class has increased from $25 to $35 for each class completed.
Life Enhancement Fund pays you back for classes
IHSS Independent Providers in Santa Clara County can apply to be reimbursed for the cost of taking certain classes beyond those offered by Public Authority Services. See the Life Enhancement Fund section for details.
CDSS Career Pathways classes are no longer available
Career Pathways classes offered by CDSS have ended.
Career Pathways classes were separate from the Santa Clara County Public Authority classes, which are still available and in session!
Visit the Public Authority Online Class Registration Portal to view your current schedule of classes.
If you need to become an IHSS Independent Provider, start on the Enrollment page
Class Registration Portal
Learn how to login and use the class registration portal
Learn to access the account that already exists for you, find your way around the portal, and register for classes.
Subtitles available in Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese
Log in to the class registration portal and register for free training classes
Explore current semester classes offered in several languages and locations. Register or add your name to waitlists, view your current schedule, class history, and more.
Having issues with the registration portal? Email the training department so we can help! Include your name and care provider ID number or last 4 digits of your SSN, as well as the issue you need help with to
If you need to cancel a class registration or waitlist placement, call the training department at least 48 hours—or as soon as reasonably possible—before the class. Calling to cancel your classes allows us to easily move another provider from the waitlist into your empty seat: (408) 350-3220.
To attend classes, pre-registration and confirmation are required. Students must follow all Student Guidelines.
Class Information
Certificate classes are free and optional to take for Independent Providers in Santa Clara County. There are two series of classes, which can be taken in any order. There is no time limit for earning your certificate once you begin taking classes.
Each class subject takes place in one 3-hour session and most subjects are availible in multiple languages and locations, including online.
IHSS Independent Provider Training Class Incentive Payment
Santa Clara County providers are eligible to receive a $35 incentive payment for each Santa Clara County Public Authority Services class they complete, until the annual class incentive budget runs out.
Payment of the incentive is managed by Public Authority Services by Sourcewise on a monthly basis. One check will be mailed from Sourcewise to each provider who completed a class during the previous month, and that check will include the incentive payment for each class completed during that month.
Series 1 Classes
Learn how to safely and correctly perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on adults, children and infants. Learn how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). 2-year certification is given at the end of class.
First Aid
Learn how to respond, with initial care, to medical emergencies until trained medical professionals can take over. Learn techniques for responding to sudden illnesses, allergic reactions, bleeding, heart attack or stroke, and stabilizing injuries. 2-year certification is given at the end of class.
Last Phase of Life
Learn to recognize the stages of grief and the common path of end of life; how to meet consumers physical, mental and spiritual needs during end of life stage; understanding comfort care and hospice care; and advanced directives.
Mental Health
Learn about common mental health conditions; common signs and symptoms to watch for; treatment types; and techniques to ease communication between care providers and a consumer with a mental illness
Learn about factors that affect good nutrition and how providers may be able to help; special diet needs; what bodies need from food, adjusting diet for age, culture, and preferences; and food safety.
Personal Care
Learn how to safely provide mouth care, bathing, feeding, dressing & grooming for consumers; learn how to safely change bedding in an occupied bed; learn infection control and prevention techniques.
Safe Lifting and Transferring
Learn to use proper body mechanics and equipment to transfer consumers from beds and wheelchairs to other furniture. Learn how to safely assist your consumer with walking and encourage physical activity.
Safety and Infection Prevention
Learn about infection control and prevention; basic personal care; universal precautions; Foley catheter care; colostomy care; basic wound care; and taking a pulse.
Understanding Diabetes
Gain understanding of diabetes types and causes, complications caused by diabetes, and overview care for diabetes; importance of diet, blood sugar management and following medication schedule; care for teeth, nails, and skin of a diabetic.
Series 2 Classes
Alzheimers and Dementia Basics
Learn the difference between dementia and signs of normal aging, and the basics of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Learn simple strategies for connecting and communicating with those with dementia, as well as resources that can help.
Cancer Care Basics
Gain an understanding of cancer types, treatments and the importance of non-medical support. Gain greater understanding of the needs of cancer patients, and how cancer affects the whole person. Learn how to best support and communicate with a person diagnosed with cancer, as well as local resources that may help.
Caregiver Stress Management
Explore issues commonly faced by care providers, both family and non-family. Learn how to recognize and address your stress, and take care of yourself while caring for another person. Learn about community resources that may help you.
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
Gain information, tips and suggestions that you can pass on to your consumer to help prepare for disasters and medical emergencies. Learn how to put together an emergency plan and emergency kit; special considerations for the elderly or disabled during disasters; the best way to handle medical emergencies, and more.
Falls Prevention
Build awareness on risk factors that may cause falls for older adults and people with disabilities. Learn strategies that may help you keep yourself, your consumer, and the living environment safe and clear of fall hazards, as well as simple exercises to help build strength and balance.
The Skilled Care Provider
Gain basic knowledge, tools and skills that can help you on your path as a care provider. Learn about mandated reporting, caregiver ethics, building trust and good relationships, hazards and safety for providing in-home care, universal precautions, taking care of yourself, basic emergency preparation, and more.
Semester Information
We offer two semesters of classes each year. The class catalog for upcoming classes is made available in January for the spring semester and August for the fall semester.
Providers may register for up to nine (9) classes per semester. If they wish to, providers can retake classes every three (3) years; every two (2) for CPR and First Aid.
You can log in to your Class Registration Portal account to view upcoming classes after the semester opens. You’ll also be able to download and follow the class registration instructions from the class catalog.
See the training FAQ for more information.
Pre-registration and confirmation are required. Students must follow all Student Guidelines. View the PDFs below to read the guidelines for providers attending Public Authority classes:
Brush up on skills anytime by watching independent provider skills videos
Life Enhancement Fund
You pay for a pre-approved class, we pay you back!
Santa Clara County independent providers can be reimbursed up to $500 per year for the cost of tuition and textbooks for classes taken outside the subjects offered by Public Authority Services.
Reimbursement must be pre-approved. Applications for the fund must be received 30 days before the class begins.
Download the application now!
Not sure where to start? Explore classes offered at Santa Clara County Adult schools:
FUHSD Adult School in Sunnyvale
Do you want to take a free class in Medical English? Please call FUHSD Adult School for information at (408) 522-2700
ESUHSD Adult Education in East San Jose
MHCAS Adult School in Morgan Hill
MUSD Adult Education in Milpitas
MVLA Adult School in Mountain View
Want to find work with more IHSS consumers? Apply to join the Public Authority Services Registry!
Training FAQ
Am I eligible to register for classes?
You must be connected to an IHSS consumer’s case in Santa Clara County or be an active member of the Santa Clara County Public Authority Services Registry.
How accessible are the training classes for our diverse population?
Currently, most class subjects are available in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Classes may be offered online via Zoom and in-person in Milpitas, San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Morgan Hill.
Am I required to take these classes as an IHSS Independent Provider?
These classes are optional. You can take as many or as few as you would like.
How often are classes available?
Two semesters are available each year. The spring semester is open between February and May. The fall semester is open between September and December.
How do I know if I have been registered for the classes I have requested?
You can view your own class schedule by logging into your Registration Portal Account, clicking your name in the top right of the screen, viewing “My Account”, and scrolling to the bottom to see “My Registrations.” Waitlisted classes, and your registration history, will be listed in the “All Registrations” tab.
If you have never logged into your account on the registration portal, view the tutorial video to learn how: Tutorial Video
Also, at the end of each month during the semester, you will be mailed a reminder letter of all the upcoming classes you are confirmed or waitlisted for.
Do I get paid for taking these classes?
Santa Clara County IHSS Independent Providers receive a $35 incentive payment for each Public Authority Services training class they complete. Failure to follow all student guidelines and/or complete any required quizzes will result in not receiving credit for completing the class, which means no incentive payment will have been earned.
Incentive payment checks are mailed automatically to providers who completed classes during the previous month.
Due to the time needed to process and mail the incentive checks, these payments are generally received in the third week of each month.
How do I receive the incentive payment after taking each class?
Monthly, Public Authority Services tracks class completion and a check is mailed from Sourcewise for the classes completed during the month. Checks will be received by providers two and a half to three weeks after the month’s end.
Are there limits to how many classes I can take?
Due to the large number of providers in Santa Clara County, you are limited to nine classes per semester and must wait three years before you can repeat a class, with the exception of CPR and First Aid which can be repeated every two years.
What can I use the certificates for after I have earned them?
The Series 1 and Series 2 classes have been written specifically for IHSS Independent Providers with the understanding that the consumer is the ultimate trainer on how services should be performed.
Therefore, the certificates can be added to your IHSS provider resume when interviewing for work with IHSS consumers.
How do I earn the certificates to add to my caregiving resume?
You must complete all classes in either Series 1 or Series 2 to earn that certificate. A separate 2-year certification is earned when you complete CPR or First Aid.
How do consumers know which training classes and certificates I have completed?
Members of the Public Authority Registry have their profiles updated after each semester to reflect the classes they have completed and training certificates they have earned. This information is included in referral lists sent to the consumers.
If you are not a member of the Registry, you can request a letter listing your completed classes by calling the training department at (408) 350-3220.